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Using computer vision to assess nursing time with patients 

Relevance: Nursing time with the residents has been shown to improve outcomes but precise information about how much time nurses spend with residents has been difficult to quantify.  By understanding minute-by-minute. activities at the bedside over a full year using the AUGi, we were able to study full picture of nursing activity which will help us to determine how these activities affect patient outcomes.


The Potential of Technology to Describe Resident and Staff Interactions in Assisted Living Facilities

Falls are a significant financial burden and health hazard for residents in assisted living facilities (ALFs). However, limited capacity to observe residents has hindered understanding of resident–staff interactions within rooms. Our clinical team worked alongside Dr. Carolyn Sun to understand how technology can be used to take a data driven approach to nurse–resident interactions.


The Heart Behind Inspiren: Nurse-Led Innovation in Senior Care

This article profiles Mike Wang, Inspiren's founder and Chief Clinical Officer. Mike discusses his path from nursing to technology, and the value of clinician-led innovation in health care. Read on for a behind-the-scenes look at the founding of Inspiren and its role in reshaping the landscape of senior care.

Inspiren founder Mike Wang showcasing and AUGi device

Next Generation of AI-Driven Healthcare Patient Monitoring